Gluten-free options at the fair – WSYR

GEDDES, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — The food options are endless at the New York State Fair, but for those with allergies, navigating the options can be a nightmare. NewsChannel 9’s Nicole Sommavilla is gluten-free and set out to find some diet-friendly options for her.

Wondering where these options are located? Here’s a list of the items Nicole tried:

  • Wine slushies and 1911 beverages, just take out the ice cream cone and donut. 
  • The classic hot beef sundae is inside the dairy product building. 
  • It’s A Utica Thing — just before the Expo Center near the midway can make a gluten-free flatbread, but keep in mind it goes in the same oven as normal dough. 
  • The Pig and the Potato — everything is gluten-free except for the sandwich. It’s inside The Eatery. 
  • Strong Hearts inside the eatery has a gluten-free menu. 
  • Vendors along the midway selling things like street corn and roasted nuts will hold you over until your next meal. 

For more local news, follow Nicole Sommavilla on Twitter @NeSommavilla